It takes a lot to put on a fringe festival — a lot of passion, a lot of elbow grease, and, you guessed it — a lot of funding. Because The Tampa International Fringe Festival (TiFf) returns 100% of base ticket sales directly back to artists, we rely on outside funding from grants, individual donors, and sponsors. Your sponsorship enables us to continue producing outstanding events and shows your support for over 30 performing companies who employ more than 100 artists. TiFf’s core goal is to put artists first — our patrons believe in our mission and actively support our sponsors. When you become a TiFf sponsor, you join the fringe family!
Lend your support to the performing arts, partner with us as a sponsor, and help make it all happen! Below you’ll find specific backing opportunities and benefit levels. Thank you for considering becoming a part of the fringe community! To begin your relationship with Fringe, please email us at
Don’t wait! If you’d like to become a sponsor right now, join online!